Manage an engaged, happy and productive team in just 6 short weeks

Get the practical tools and skills you need to keep all the best parts of both virtual and office working (& ditch the worst parts of both too)

Even if you're feeling overwhelmed and battling to motivate the members of your team who are feeling disconnected as they work from  home and from the office, we invite you to read on.


Discover how you can build a healthy hybrid team without having to micro-manage every team member, without having to be 'online 24/7'. Help your team members adapt as individuals while also growing as healthy hybrid teams.


You're tired of:

Having team members who aren't contributing to the best of their ability


Micro-managing team members


Seeing bored or unhappy faces on the other side of the screen. Or not seeing faces at all!


Wondering how this new way of working is going to work and how you'll ever get back to normal with your team


You're more than ready to have a team that is engaged, motivated and productive,


but aren't quite sure how to get there.


We get it -

You want to be leading a highly functioning team.


A healthy team where moral is good, your team members are productive, and you know that your team members are happy.


A team who feel like they're contributing to something important and who have a sense of belonging.


Team members who are able to balance life and work and not feel overwhelmed or burnt out.


BUT here's the problem

So many things about the way we work have changed and will continue to change, yet so many of us are still waiting to get back to life as we knew it.


Spoiler Alert: Life is never going to get back to ‘how we knew it!’


We’re tired of micro-managing every hour of every member in our team, yet don’t know how to measure productivity or how to  transition to an output-based workplace where we trust our team members to deliver what is expected of them,  or know how to create this new culture or way of working. 


And, you’re wondering, what’s wrong with my team?


How should I lead my team through this changing environment?


Why haven’t I been able to figure this out?

Why do I feel so overwhelmed with managing my team and trying to keep everyone happy and productive?


What are other healthy teams doing that we’re not?

There are a lot of moving parts to get healthy hybrid teams right, and it’s not a process that’s going to happen overnight. It's a culture you're building, a new way of working.

But, let me tell you.... it is WORTH getting right.

Having a team that:

  • Is productive and doing what needs to be done

  • is competent and confident to perform and deliver results

  • has  better collaboration between team members resulting in improved performance

  • Has members who feel like they’re contributing to a bigger purpose and who want to turn up for work, who want to contribute, who want to be there!


  • This leads to an organisation that can adapt to disruption.

  • And that leads to organisational success!

What if we told you there was a solution to unengaged, tired and unmotivated teams?

What if we told you that managing and growing healthy hybrid teams isn’t as daunting as it sounds if you have a starting point, a framework, and a community to support you through the transition. 

Would you click “yes”?



Here's what our team has put together for you.


A 6 week practical workshop that provides you with the framework and understanding of what it takes to build and manage healthy hybrid teams.


Practical lessons and tools to help you re-engage with your team, create a new team dynamic with the resources you need to help your team transition into a high functioning hybrid team.

"Just went through your course. Like many other people, I’ve done a lot of online courses over the past year, and this is one of the better ones. Bravo, really well presented and informative. Thank you." - Mike Wood


  • Module 1: The Hybrid workplace is here to stay. Discover the 5 key ingredients for building healthy hybrid teams,  including models and frameworks for the future of work.

  • Module 2: The importance of belonging, and what we are missing in the virtual world. We talk about making human connections in a virtual world.

  • Module 3: What mastery is and why it is important and what is different about the virtual, remote and hybrid world. We look at how you can help your team develop mastery.

  • Module 4: Building a team that maximises autonomy, independence and trust and building an outcomes based workplace.

  • Module 5: Building generosity into your organisation - it’s more than just giving to charity!

  • Module 6: The power of purpose and unleashing your greatness - so much more than vision, mission and values!

  • Module 7: The journey is the destination…. What happens after what comes next.


  • Setting yourself up to work remotely. (5 Module series, including a BONUS module for Webinar etiquette and tips for looking good on camera.)

  • 1 x 30 Minute small group call with Graeme Codrington or Buhle Dlamini

You'll also get these BONUSES to take your virtual meetings to the next level

5 Module series, including a BONUS module for Webinar etiquette and tips for looking good on camera

How to run productive online meetings that people want to attend (Mini Workshop)

1 x 30 Minute small group call with Graeme Codrington or Buhle Dlamini

Meet the Presenters

Hi everyone! Graeme and Buhle here…


Our team has been helping our clients deal with disruption and prepare for the future of work for the past 20 years. We are passionate about helping you build the skills you need to keep adapting to keep up with the constant stream of disruption that we’re all dealing with. 

Hybrid teams are here to stay!


Our global team has been successfully working as a virtual team for the last 20 years, long before Covid made it a reality for so many. We’ve learnt a lot over these 20 years, we’ve made mistakes, experimented with various things, and built frameworks along the way to assist us in keeping our team healthy, productive and happy to be doing the work we do, while serving our clients from across the world.


We know that you can’t simply take how you used to work in the office online. There are certain things that work better face to face, and luckily there are also many things that work better virtually. 


We’re here to show you how to rebuild and equip your team with the tools, resources and mindset that you need to have a happy, engaged and productive team.

Buhle Dlamini

Global Consulting Speaker on Future of Work, Organizational Culture and Diversity.

Graeme Codrington

Speaker, Expert on the Future of Work at TomorrowToday Global.

Stop for a moment and imagine what your life would look like if your team members were all doing what you wanted and needed them to do.

If you trusted every team member to produce the results you needed. A team that worked together, but who didn’t need to be micro-managed. 


What would that look like for you? And what would that be worth to you?


The truth is we could sell this training for over $497 considering a one hour keynote on this framework from our team can cost clients $4000.


Over the past few months, we’ve seen so many team leaders  struggle to motivate their teams, battle to adapt as teams move to a hybrid way of working, and rather than embracing this change and the positives that hybrid teams can bring, we see people getting stuck, frustrated and trapped in an endless loop of waiting for things to go back to normal, and never quite getting the benefit of this hybrid world we’re moving into. 


That's why we want to get this BUILDING HEALTHY HYBRID TEAMS training into as many hands and offices as possible - to help you and others who are struggling with what work and ‘the office’ looks like in the 2020s.


We’re not going back to how things were in the office.


We don't want you to fall behind waiting for things to get back to normal!

 That’s why for the next 6 weeks we’re offering HOW TO BUILD HEALTHY HYBRID TEAMS WORKSHOP at just $297.